Study programmes

The Department of Automobile and Manufacturing Technologies offers accredited, high-quality and practical education in Bachelor and Engineering degree in the following study programmes both full-time and part-time.

Graduate profile – Bachelor (Bc.) degree

Bc. diplom


Graduates of the programme Advanced Technologies are able to work as production technologists, metrologists, material technicians and quality inspectors. They can prepare and develop technical documentation. They are also skilled in technical preparation of production. The graduates possess knowledge of conventional and advanced manufacturing technologies, materials, production machines, tools and fixtures.

„If I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions“.
Albert Einstein


Graduates of the programme Automotive Production Technologies are able to work in the automotive industry in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Graduates possess necessary knowledge in the area of ​​technical materials used in automotive technology, automobile components inspection as well as final sub-assembly and assembly.

„We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology and yet have cleverly arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. That's a clear prescription for disaster“.
Carl Sagan
František Botko

assoc. prof. Eng. MSc. František Botko, PhD.

assoc. professor

  • +421 55 602 6465

Graduate profile – Engineering (Ing.) degree

Ing. diplom


Graduates of the programme Advanced Technologies are qualified to carry out professions oriented to the leading position in the business process. They can occupy positions of manufacturing engineers, production managers, team leaders in the field of technical preparation of production and production quality control. They are able to systematically and comprehensively address material, technological and organizational issues in the rationalization, modernization and design of new production processes and systems using CA technologies as well. These findings are integrated with knowledge of economic nature, which allows them to solve the problems of management and operation of industrial production.

„Being educated is the biggest asset – but success is also a struggle, responsibility and hard work"
Ján Duplák

assoc. prof. Eng. MSc. Ján Duplák, PhD.

assoc. professor

Bayerova 1, room 113

  • +421 55 602 6350


Graduates of the programme Automotive Production Technologies are being prepared for leadership and management positions in companies that are partners, suppliers or direct manufacturers of cars. They possess necessary knowledge and skills with a focus on the issues and rules for the implementation of components in the automotive industry. Graduates are educated within the INDUSTRY 4.0 principles. The programme includes knowledge of the main technological operations in the automotive and related industries as well as construction and operation of production technology, its installation, animation, programming and adjusting, taking measurements, diagnostics and service.

„Educated and wise men were, are and will be the national wealth, the salt of the earth”
Jozef Dobránsky

assoc. prof. Eng. MSc. Jozef Dobránsky, PhD.

associate professor

  • +421 55 602 6350
Consultation hours
Tuesday: 9:25 – 10:55