Fakulta výrobných technológií so sídlom v Prešove,
Technická univerzita v Košiciach

assoc. prof. Eng. MSc. Ľuboslav Straka, PhD.
Associate Professor
Consultation hours
Wednesday 10.00-12.00
Wednesday 10.00-12.00
Curriculum Vitae
- 1991 - 1995Secondary Technical School of Mechanical Engineering in Prešov - study in branch constructor and technologist
- 1995 - 2000Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with the seat in Prešov - engineering study in branch 23-17-8 General engineering. (M.S.)
- 1997 - 1999Technical University of Košice, supplementary pedagogical study
- 2000 - 2003Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with the seat in Prešov - PhD study in branch 23-07-9 Engineering Technology and Materials. (PhD.)
- 2005 - 2006Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with the seat in Prešov - Research Associate at the Department of Technology Systems Operations
- 2009 - 2011Technical University of Košice, Department of Engineering Education, study of university education according to European Standards (IGIP).
- 2006 - 2012Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with the seat in Prešov - Assistant Professor at the Department of Production Process Operations
- 2012 - 2021Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with the seat in Prešov - Associate Profesor at the Department of Automobile and Manufacturing Technologies
Language Skills
- English language (B2)
- Russian language (B2)
- Italian language (A1)
Research Field
- Research of progressive machining methods with focusing on EDM
- Increasing the operational reliability of technical equipment
- Stability ensuring of the production processes
- Modern trends in the automotive parts assembly
- Production quality
Pedagogical Activities
- Automotive Parts Assembly
- Manufacturing Systems Operation
- Theory of Reliability
- Basics of Operating Reliability
- Operating States Diagnostics in Technological Equipment
- Basics of Manufacturing Systems Operation
- Basics of Technical Inspection in Manufacturing
- Operating States Diagnostics in Technological Equipment
- Technological Equipment Operation in Die Casting Technology
- Technologies of Injections and Molding Materials in Automotive Production
- Die Casting Moulds
- Manufacturing Systems Operation
- Theory of Reliability
- Progressive Machining Technologies
- independent scientific lectures outside the usual subjects of study
Co-ordinator | Co-investigator
- VEGA No. 1/0544/08 (2008-2010) „ Design of methods and technical means for diagnostics and prediction of development of operating state of production systems“ (co-ordinator)
- ITMS No. 26220220064 (2010-2013) operational program „Research and development”, Measure No. 2.2 (co-investigator)
- ITMS No. 26220220103 (2011-2013) operational program „Research and development”, Measure No. 2.2 (co-investigator)
- ITMS No. 26110230093 (2013-2015) - operational program „ Education “ (co-investigator)
- ITMS No. 26110230120 (2013-2015) - operational program „ Education “ (co-investigator)
- VEGA No. 1/0381/15 (2015-2017), No. 1/0409/13 (2013-2016), No. 1/0975/11 (2011-2013), No. 1/0562/08 (2008-2010), No. 1/0345/08 (2008-2010), No. 1/4155/07 (2007-2009), No. 1/4157/07 (2007-2009), No. 1/2209/05 (2005-2007), No. 1/9351/02 (2002-2004), No. 1/7469/20 (2000-2002 ) (co-investigator)
- KEGA No. 004 TUKE-4/2017 “Implementation of research from mathematical modelling of microgeometry surface relation on consequential qualitatively parameters part produced with cutting machining into subjects of new study programme Technology of automotive production” (co-investigator)
- KEGA No. 006 TUKE-4/2017 (2017-2019) “Innovation of Laboratory quality control of components for the automotive and allied industries within the framework of the integration of advanced cognitive operations into education” (co-investigator)
- VEGA No. 1/0205/19 (2019-2022) „Research of the influence of components structural design of WEDM facility on the machined surface quality“ (co-ordinator)
- VEGA MŠ SR a SAV: č. 1/0205/19 (2019-2022) - co-ordinator - „Research of the influence of components structural design of WEDM facility on the machined surface quality“
Foreign stays
- Stáž na Technische Fachhochschule Wildau v Berlíne (2002), HGF TU VSB Ostrava (2013).
- Predseda a člen komisií pre obhajoby bakalárských, inžinierskych a dizertačných prác.
- Člen redakčnej rady časopisu Heliyon vydavateľstva Elsevier.
- STRAKA, Ľuboslav - PANDA, Anton: Snímateľné upínacie zariadenie na sústruženie vodným prúdom zverejnená patentová prihláška SK 39-2015 A3. ÚPV SR, Banská Bystrica, 2017, 7s.
- STRAKA, Ľuboslav - PANDA, Anton: Snímateľné upínacie zariadenie na delenie vodným prúdom zverejnená patentová prihláška SK 40-2015 A3. ÚPV SR, Banská Bystrica, 2017, 8s.
Významné publikácie
- 1. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - DITTRICH, Gabriel: Influence of tool steel properties on surface quality after electrical discharge machining by wire electrode. In: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 106, no. 5-6 (2020), p. 1617-1632, ISSN 0268-3768. (ADC)
- 2. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - HAŠOVÁ, Slavomíra: Prediction of the heat-affected zone of tool steel EN X37CrMoV5-1 after die-sinking electrical discharge machining. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, vol. 232, no. 8 (2018), p. 3951-1406, ISSN 0954-4054. (ADC)
- 3. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - HAŠOVÁ, Slavomíra Optimization of material removal rate and tool wear rate of Cu electrode in die-sinking EDM of tool steel. In: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 97, no.5-8 (2018), p. 2647-2654, ISSN 0268-3768. (ADC)
- 4. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - ČORNÝ, Ivan - PITEĽ, Ján: Prediction of the geometrical accuracy of the machined surface of the tool steel EN X30WCrV9-3 after electrical discharge machining with CuZn37 wire electrode. In: Metals, vol. 7, no. 11 (2017), p. 1-19, ISSN 2075-4701(ADC)
- 5. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - ČORNÝ, Ivan - PITEĽ, Ján – HAŠOVÁ, Slavomíra: Statistical Approach to Optimize the Process Parameters of HAZ of Tool Steel EN X32CrMoV12-28 after Die-Sinking EDM with SF-Cu Electrode. In: Metals, vol. 7, no. 2 (2017), p. 1-22, ISSN 2075-4701. (ADC)
- 6. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - ČORNÝ, Ivan - PITEĽ, Ján: Properties evaluation of thin microhardened surface layer of tool steel after wire EDM. In: Metals, vol. 6, no. 5 (2016), p. 1-16, ISSN 2075-4701. (ADC)
- 7. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - ČORNÝ, Ivan - MIŽÁKOVÁ, Jana: Analysis of heat-affected zone depth of sample surface at electrical discharge machining with brass wire electrode. In: Strojarstvo - journal for Theory and Application in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 51, no. 6 (2009), p. 633-640,- ISSN 0562-1887. (ADC)
- 8. STRAKA, Ľuboslav: Analysis of Wire-Cut Electrical Discharge Machined Surface Study of Heat-Affected Zone Depth in Wire-Cut Electrical Discharge Machined (WEDM) Surface with Brass Electrode. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2014, ISBN 978-3-659-64435-1. (AAA)
- 9. STRAKA, Ľuboslav: Kvalita povrchu obrábaného technológiou EDM. TU Košice, 2015, 125s., ISBN 978-80-553-2446-3. (AAB)
- 10. FABIAN, Stanislav - STRAKA, Ľuboslav: Teória spoľahlivosti výrobkov a systémov v aplikačných príkladoch. TU Košice, 2007, 106 s., ISBN 978-80-8073-890-7. (ACB)
- 11. FABIAN, Stanislav - STRAKA, Ľuboslav: Prevádzka výrobných systémov. TU Košice, 2008, 252 s., ISBN 978-80-8073-989-8. (ACB)
- 12. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - RUŽBARSKÝ, Juraj - FABIAN, Stanislav: Priemyselné technológie. TU Košice, 2015, 212 s., - ISBN 978-80-553-2005-2. (ACB)
- 13. DITTRICH, Gabriel - STRAKA, Ľuboslav - BOTKO, František - DUPLÁK, Ján - BIRČÁK, Jaroslav - ALDAIHAN, Fahad: Influence of recycled PA6 and PBT plastic material on the bonding strength. In: MM Science Journal, vol. 2019, no. October (2019), p. 3005-3010, ISSN 1803-1269. (ADM)
- 14. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - DITTRICH, Gabriel: Influence of graphite tool electrode shape on TWR and MRR at EDM. MM Science Journal, vol. 2019, no. December (2019), p. 3479-3485, ISSN 1803-1269. (ADM)
- 15. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - PAVLENKO, Slavko - MICHALIK, Peter - HRABČÁK, Matej: Innovation of the gas melting furnace monitoring system. In: MM Science Journal, vol. 2019, no. December (2019), p. 3524-3527, ISSN 1803-1269. (ADM)
- 16. PETRUŠ, Michal - MICHALIK, Peter - STRAKA, Ľuboslav - HRABOVSKY, Leopold - MACEJ, Jozef - TIRPÁK, Peter - JUSKO, Jozef: The evaluation of the production of the shaped part using the workshop programming method on the two-spindle multi-axis CTX alpha 500 lathe. In: Open Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1 (2019), p. 660-667, ISSN 2391-5439. (ADM)
- 17. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - PANDA, Anton: Optimal preventive maintenance schedule of slewing rings for demanding production machine. In: MM Science Journal, vol. 2018, no. December (2018), p. 2696-2700, ISSN 1803-1269. (ADM)
- 18. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - DITTRICH, Gabriel: Relative electrode wear at EDM of tool steel. In: MM Science Journa, vol. 2018, no. December (2018), p. 2690-2695, ISSN 1803-1269. (ADM)
- 19. MICHALIK, Peter - ZAJAC, Jozef - STRAKA, Ľuboslav - NOWAKOWSKI, Lukasz - AMBROZY, Martin: Draft jig structure design for measuring deformation of thin-walled robotic or conveyor components. In: Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, vol. 12, no. 3 (2018), p. 55-60, ISSN 2080-4075. (ADM)
- 20. HAŠOVÁ, Slavomíra - STRAKA, Ľuboslav: Design and verification of software for simulation of selected quality indicators of machined surface after WEDM. In: Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, vol. 14, no. 2 (2016), p. 13-20, ISSN 1583-7904. (ADM)
- 21. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - HAŠOVÁ, Slavomíra: The critical failure determination of the constructional parts of autonomous electroerosion equipment by applying Boolean logic. In: Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, vol. 14, no. 2, 2016, p. 80-86, ISSN 1583-7904. (ADM)
- 22. STRAKA, Ľuboslav: Determination of the reliability model of cooling unit of electro-erosion machine. In: MM Science Journal, vol. 2016, no. 11, p. 1205-1209, ISSN 1803-1269. (ADM)
- 23. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - HAŠOVÁ, Slavomíra: Assessing the influence of technological parameters on the surface quality of steel MS1 after WEDM. In: MM Science Journal, vol. 2016, p. 1194-1200, ISSN 1803-1269. (ADM)
- 24. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - HAŠOVÁ, Slavomíra: The optimal plan of preventive maintenance of the electroerosion equipment Sodick AQ15L. In: MM Science Journal, vol. 2016, p. 1258-1264, ISSN 1803-1269. (ADM)
- 25. STRAKA, Ľuboslav - KREHEĽ, Radoslav Determination of the suitability of the method used for evaluation measurement equipment capability. In: Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 616, 2014, p. 118-125, ISSN 1660-9336. (ADM)
- 26. STRAKA, Ľuboslav: Operational reliability of mechatronic equipment based on pneumatic artificial muscle. In: Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 460 (2014), p. 41-48, ISSN 1660-9336. (ADM)
- 27. STRAKA, Ľuboslav: Prevádzková spoľahlivosť v aplikačných príkladoch učebné texty. TU Košice, 2008, 90 s., ISBN 978-80-553-0126-6. (BCI)
- 28. STRAKA, Ľuboslav: Základy prevádzkovej spoľahlivosti. TU Košice, 2014, 105 s., ISBN 978-80-553-1882-0. (BCI)
- 29. STRAKA, Ľuboslav: Nedeštruktívna diagnostika prevádzkových stavov technických zariadení. TU Košice, 2015, 85 s., ISBN 978-80-553-2445-6. (BCI)
- 2020 - Ďakovný list dekana Fakulty výrobných technológií Technickej univerzity v Košiciach so sídlom v Prešove za prínos pre rozvoj FVT TUKE so sídlom v Prešove v publikačnej činnosti.