Fakulta výrobných technológií so sídlom v Prešove,
Technická univerzita v Košiciach

Darina Dupláková

assoc.prof. Eng. MSc. Darina Dupláková, PhD.

Assoc. profesor

  • darina.duplakova@tuke.sk
  • +421 55 602 6358

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2012 - 2013Complementary pedagogical studies – teaching of special subjects, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Presov
  • 2012 - 2014Master of Science (Ing.), state examination in “Manufacturing Management” study programme, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Presov
  • 2014 - 2017Philosophiae doctor (PhD.), state examination in “Industrial Manufacturing Management” study programme, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Presov
  • 2017 - 2021Research worker, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Presov

Language Skills

  • English language

Research Field

  • simulation of processes and systems
  • creation of analysis for technologies
  • research of production processes in automotive
  • ergonomic rationalization
  • digitization

Pedagogical Activities


  • Advanced Technologies
  • Manufacturing Technologies II
  • Car Interior Equipment
  • Diploma Thesis
  • Project from Automotive Production


Co-ordinator | Co-investigator

  • APVV-15- 0700 Research of New Composite Material for Manufacturing CNC Machines Designed to Machining of Powder Materials Produced by the Additive Technology DMLS (co-investigator)
  • APVV-17-0490 Detection of the erosive effect of pulsating water jet on material (co-investigator)
  • VEGA 1/0492/16 Research of the Possibilities of Elimination Deformations of the Thin Components with the Use of High Speed Machining (co-investigator)
  • KEGA 004TUKE-4/2018 Implementation of knowledge from the research field of energy use of renewable sources in power engineering into the subjects of the study program Renewable Energy Sources (co-investigator)
  • KEGA 026TUKE-4/2016 Implementation of modern information and communication technologies in the teaching of science and technology subjects at technical faculties (co-investigator)
  • VEGA 1/0682/17 Research, Development and Experimental Verification of Tool Prototype for Forming Rifled Tubes (co-investigator)
  • KEGA 039TUKE-4/2017 Transfer of Knowledge from Research of Welding the Creep Resistant Steel into the Study Branch Progressive Technologies (co-investigator)
  • KEGA 025TUKE-4/2018 (co-investigator)
  • KEGA 014TUKE-4/2020 Implementation of research findings of innovative methods of non-destructive testing of materials into the study program Automotive Production Technologies (co-investigator)

Foreign stays

  • Rôzne typy prednáškových pobytov v rámci programu CEEPUS


  • Členka redakčnej rady časopisu SAR Journal (Science and Research Journal), ISSN 2619-9955 (Serbia)
  • Členka redakčnej rady časopisu STED Journal (Journal of Social and Technological Development), ISSN 2673-2614
  • Členka redakčnej rady časopisu TEM Journal (Technology, Education, Management, Informatics), ISSN 2217-8309

Významné publikácie

  • POKLEMBA, Róbert - DUPLÁKOVÁ, Darina - ZAJAC, Jozef - DUPLÁK, Ján - SIMKULET, Vladimír - GOLDYNIAK, Dávid (2020). Design and investigation of machine tool bed based on polymer concrete mixture. International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 19 (2), 291-302. ISSN 1726-4529.
  • ZAJAC, Jozef - DUPLÁK, Ján - DUPLÁKOVÁ, Darina - ČIŽMÁR, Peter - OLEXA, Igor - BITTNER, Anton (2020). Prediction of Cutting Material Durability by T = f(vc) Dependence for Turning Processes. Processes, 8 (7), 1-20. ISSN 2227-9717.
  • PETRUŠKA, Ondrej - ZAJAC, Jozef - DUPLÁKOVÁ, Darina - SIMKULET, Vladimír - DUPLÁK, Ján - BOTKO, František. (2020). Effect of glass and carbon fibres on the compressive and flexural strength of the polymer concrete composite. Advances in Production Engineering & Management, 15 (4), s. 441-452. ISSN 1854-6250.
  • FLIMEL, Marián - DUPLÁKOVÁ, Darina - MATISKOVÁ, Darina - HRICOVÁ, Romana. (2020). Green vegetation management as a method of green status monitoring in manufacturing plants. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 29 (10), s. 8776-8789. ISSN 1018-4619.
  • DUPLÁKOVÁ, Darina – DUPLÁK, JÁN – ŠOLTÉS, Peter. (2020). Current scientific knowledge about new composite materials on the basis of polymer concrete. Lüdenscheid : RAM-Verlag - 2019. - 128 s. ISBN 978-3-942303-79-8.
  • DUPLÁKOVÁ, Darina - FLIMEL, Marián - DUPLÁK, Ján - HATALA, Michal - RADCHENKO, Svetlana - BOTKO, František (2019). Ergonomic rationalization of lighting in the working environment. Part I.: Proposal of rationalization algorithm for lighting redesign. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 71, 92-102. ISSN 0169-8141.
  • DUPLÁKOVÁ, Darina - HATALA, Michal - DUPLÁK, Ján - KNAPČÍKOVÁ, Lucia - RADCHENKO, Svetlana (2019). Illumination simulation of working environment during the testing of cutting materials durability. Ain Shams Engineering Journalm 10 (1), 161-169. ISSN 2090-4479.
  • DUPLÁK, Ján - HATALA, Michal - DUPLÁKOVÁ, Darina - BOTKO, František (2019). Prediction model of surface roughness parameters of structural steel created by plasma arc cutting via full factor experiment. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 50 (10), 1207-1220. ISSN 0933-5137.
  • FLIMEL, Marián - DUPLÁKOVÁ, Darina: New approaches of heat fluxes determination in the workplace in situ. In: Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. Vol. 61 (2018), p. 49-55. - ISSN 0955-5986.
  • BALARA, Milan - DUPLÁKOVÁ, Darina - MATISKOVÁ, Darina: Application of a signal averaging device in robotics. In: Measurement. Vol. 115 (2018), p. 125-132. - ISSN 0263-2241.
  • FLIMEL, Marián - DUPLÁKOVÁ, Darina: Ergonomic rationalization of transmitted vibration to hands of the workers. In: Journal of vibration and control. Vol. 23, no. 4 (2017), p. 517-525. - ISSN 1077-5463.
  • BALOG, Michal - SZILÁGYI, Erik - DUPLÁKOVÁ, Darina - MINĎAŠ, Miroslav: Effect verification of external factor to readability of RFID transponder using least square method. In: Measurement. Vol. 94 (2016), p. 233–238. - ISSN 0263-2241.
  • DUPLAKOVA, D., TELISKOVA, M., DUPLAK, J., TOROK, J., HATALA, M., STERANKA, J., RADCHENKO, S. (2018). Determination of optimal production process using scheduling and simulation software. International Journal of Simulation Modelling (IJSIMM), 17(4). ISSN 1726-4529.
  • DUPLÁK, J., HATALA, M., DUPLÁKOVÁ, D., STERANKA, J. (2018). Comprehensive analysis and study of the machinability of a high strength aluminum alloy (EN AW-AlZn5. 5MgCu) in the high-feed milling. Advances in Production Engineering & Management, 13(4), 455. ISSN 1854-6250.


  • 2019 - Osobnosť vedy a techniky 2019 v kategórii Osobnosť vedy a techniky do 35 rokov za excelentné vedecké výsledky v oblasti svetelnej techniky, podiel a riešení viacerých významných medzinárodných a národných výskumných projektov