Fakulta výrobných technológií so sídlom v Prešove,
Technická univerzita v Košiciach

Michal Hatala

Dr. h.c. prof. Eng. MSc. Michal Hatala, PhD.

professor, head of Department of Automobile and Manufacturing Technologies, Vice-Dean for Science, Research and Doctoral Studies

Bayerova 1, room 108

  • michal.hatala@tuke.sk
  • +421 55 602 6456, +421 55 602 6363
Consultation hours
By agreement

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2005 - 2006Research worker, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Presov
  • 2007 - 2009Assistant professor, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Presov
  • 2010 - 2021Associate professor, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Presov
  • 2013 - 2020Vice-dean for Education, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Presov
  • 2017 - 2021Head of Department of Automobile and Manufacturing Technologies, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Presov
  • 2020 - 2021Professor, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Presov
  • 2021 - 2021vice-dean for Science, Research and Doctoral Studies, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Presov

Language Skills

  • English language
  • Russian language

Research Field

  • Welding
  • Non-destructive testing of materials
  • Energy-beam technologies
  • Progressive technology in practice
  • Research and optimization of the plasma arc cutting process
  • High-speed AWJ and laser cutting
  • Machining of composites and hard-wearing materials

Pedagogical Activities


  • Advanced Technologies
  • Welding and joining materials
  • Basics in automotive constructions
  • Technology Project
  • Non-Destructive Technologies


  • Ultrasound Testing Level 3
  • Testing with Magnetic Powder Level 3
  • Visual Techniques Testing Level 3
  • Capillary Level 3 Testing
  • International Welding Engineer IWE / EWE


Co-ordinator | Co-investigator

  • APVV-15-0696 Research, Production and Operational Verification of Prototype Tools for Forming Exchanger Rifled Tubes for Increasing Energy Equipment Efficiency (co-ordinator)
  • APVV-15- 0700 Research of New Composite Material for Manufacturing CNC Machines Designed to Machining of Powder Materials Produced by the Additive Technology DMLS (co-investigator)
  • KEGA 039TUKE-4/2017 Transfer of Knowledge from Research of Welding the Creep Resistant Steel into the Study Branch Progressive Technologies (co-ordinator)
  • KEGA 042TUKE-4/2015 Implementation of knowledge from the field of innovative technologies into the process of modernization of technology-oriented subjects in the field of manufacturing technology (2015 - 2017) (co-investigator)
  • VEGA 1/0682/17 Research, Development and Experimental Verification of Tool Prototype for Forming Rifled Tubes (co-ordinator)
  • VEGA 1/0492/16 Research of the Possibilities of Elimination Deformations of the Thin Components with the Use of High Speed Machining (co-investigator)
  • VEGA 1/0619/15 Mathematical and statistical modeling of observed dependencies of durability of selected cutting materials (2015 - 2017) (co-investigator)

Foreign stays

  • Rôzne typy prednáškových pobytov v rámci programu CEEPUS


  • Fakulta strojní, VŠB TU Ostrava, 1.1.2013 – člen vedeckej rady
  • Fakulta výrobných technológií, 1.1.2010 - člen vedeckej rady
  • Člen komisie MŠ SR KEGA
  • Zväz slovenských vedeckotechnických spoločností – od 2012 – expert- Strojárske výrobne technológie a aplikácia do praxe
  • Slovenská národná akreditačná služba – od 2013 – expert, posudzovateľ
  • Člen redakčnej rady časopisu Journal of Engineering Sciences J.E.S. ISSN 2312-2498 (Ukraine)
  • Slovenská Spoločnosť pre Nedeštruktívne testovanie - člen výboru
  • Člen European Alliance for Innovation (EAI), Gent, Belgicko


  • AGJ001 MICHALIK, Peter - ZAJAC, Jozef - MONKA, Peter Pavol - HATALA, Michal - ČENTEŠ, Ľuboš: Prípravok na meranie polohy hrotu nástroja na CNC revolverovom prírubovom sústruhu úžitkový vzor č. 5835/ - Banská Bystrica : ÚPV SR - 2011. - 3 s..
  • AGJ002 MICHALIK, Peter - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - FEDORKO, Gabriel - ZAJAC, Jozef - HATALA, Michal: Prípravok na analýzu vzoriek geotextilných dopravných pásov na priemyselných metrotomografoch úžitkový vzor SK 6643 Y1 : Vestník ÚPV SR 82013/ - Banská Bystrica : ÚPV SR - 2013. - 3 s..
  • AGJ003 MICHALIK, Peter - ZAJAC, Jozef - HATALA, Michal - ANDREJKO, Peter - AMBROZY, Martin: Automatický razidlový stroj na tlač ochranného znaku na zaverečných diplomoch Úžitkový vzor č. 7240 : číslo prihlášky: 82-2014/ - Banská Bystrica : ÚPV SK - 2015. - 4 s.. Spôsob prístupu: http://registre.indprop.gov.sk/registre/search.do.
  • AGJ004 MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - MICHALIK, Peter - FEDORKO, Gabriel - ZAJAC, Jozef - HATALA, Michal - POČEKAJLO, Jozef: Mechatronický modul hadicového dopravníka Register úžitkových vzorov prihláška č. 138-2014 : Vestník ÚPV SR č.: 082015/ - Banská Bystrica : ÚPV SR - 2015. - 1-4 s.. Spôsob prístupu: http://registre.indprop.gov.sk/registre/detail/popup.do?register=uv&puv_id=681701.
  • AGJ005 MICHALIK, Peter - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - FEDORKO, Gabriel - ZAJAC, Jozef - HATALA, Michal: Prípravok na analýzu vzoriek gumotextilných dopravných pásov na priemyselných metrotomografoch patent č. dokumentu 288408/ - Banská Bystrica : ÚPV SK - 2016. - 4 s..

Významné publikácie

  • Hatala, M., Botko, F., Mital, D. (2020). Non-destructive techniques for testing cold drawn tubes. Lüdenscheid : RAM-Verlag. 2020. 100 s. ISBN 978-3-942303-97-2.
  • Botko, F., Bella, P., Hatala, M., Beraxa, P., Lehocká, D., & Sutak, D. (2020). Effect of friction coefficient change on internally shaped tubes drawing process using finite elements method. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 51(7), 948-956.
  • Duplák, J., Hatala, M., Dupláková, D., & Botko, F. (2019). Prediction model of surface roughness parameters of structural steel created by plasma arc cutting via full factor experiment. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 50(10), 1207-1220.
  • Stejskal, T., Melko, J., Rjabušin, A., Fedorko, G., Hatala, M., & Molnár, V. (2019). Specific principles of work area stiffness measurement applied to a modern three-axis milling machine. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 102(5), 2541-2554.
  • Duplak, J., Hatala, M., Duplakova, D., & Steranka, J. (2018). Comprehensive analysis and study of the machinability of a high strength aluminum alloy (EN AW-AlZn5. 5MgCu) in the high-feed milling. Advances in Production Engineering & Management, 13(4), 455.
  • Duplakova, D., Teliskova, M., Duplak, J., Torok, J., Hatala, M., Steranka, J., & Radchenko, S. (2018). Determination of optimal production process using scheduling and simulation software. International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 17(4), 609-622.
  • Neshta, A., Kryvoruchko, D., Hatala, M., Ivanov, V., Botko, F., Radchenko, S., & Mital, D. (2018). Technological Assurance of High-Efficiency Machining of Internal Rope Threads on Computer Numerical Control Milling Machines. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 140(7).
  • Neshta, A., Kryvoruchko, D., Hatala, M., Ivanov, V., Botko, F., Radchenko, S., & Mital, D. (2018). Technological Assurance of High-Efficiency Machining of Internal Rope Threads on Computer Numerical Control Milling Machines. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 140(7).
  • Michalik, P., Zajac, J., Hatala, M., Mital, D., & Fecova, V. (2014). Monitoring surface roughness of thin-walled components from steel C45 machining down and up milling. Measurement, 58, 416-428.


  • 2017 - „Vyznamenanie ministra školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky za mimoriadny prínos v oblasti vedy a techniky“ v kategórii „Pamätný list ministra školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky udeľovaný mladým pracovníkom výskumu a vývoja do 35rokov“.
  • 2018 - Strieborná medaila ZSVTS
  • 2019 - Ocenenie Zväzu slovenských vedeckotechnických spoločností v kategórii Propagátor vedy a techniky za rok 2019.
  • 2020 - Ocenenie Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu prestížne ocenenie "Cena za vedu a techniku“ v kategórii " Popularizátor vedy“ za rok 2020.