Fakulta výrobných technológií so sídlom v Prešove,
Technická univerzita v Košiciach
Eng. MSc. Patrik Fejko
Internal doctoral student
Curriculum Vitae
- 2011 - 2015Secondary school of Electrical Engineering, Plzenská 1, 080 01 Prešov
- 2017 - 2020Bachelor's degree - Technical University in Košice, Faculty of Production Technologies with headquarters in Prešov, field of study - Mechanical Engineering, study program - Automotive Production Technologies
- 2020 - 2022Master study - Technical University in Košice, Faculty of Production Technologies with seat in Prešov, field of study - Mechanical Engineering, study program - Automotive Production Technologies
- 2022 - 2023WEP TRADING a.s. - Production technologist
- 2022 - 2023Additional pedagogical minimum – Technical University in Kosice, practice: SPŠ strojnícka in Kosice, SOŠ automotive in Košice
Language Skills
- English language
- German language
Research Field
- Analysis of the relationship between surface pretreatment process factors and selected properties of the cataphoretic coating created on aluminum structural parts
Pedagogical Activities
- Technical preparation of production
- Production logistics
- Basics of programming machines and devices
- CAQ quality management systems
Co-ordinator | Co-investigator
- 063 TUKE-4/2021 Knowledge transfer of the CAQ quality management system application to the Automotive Production Technologies study program (co-investigator)
- 026 TUKE-4/2024 Implementation of new research findings in the field of surface treatment of materials into the study program Automotive Production Technologies (co-investigator)
Významné publikácie
- Fejko, P., Bali, R., Dobránsky, J. (12/2023). Analysis of the Adhesion of the Surface Layer Formed due to Cataphoresis Coating. UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, 769-774.
- Dobránsky, J., Gombár, M., Fejko, P., & Balint Bali, R. (2023). A Determination of the Influence of Technological Parameters on the Quality of the Created Layer in the Process of Cataphoretic Coating. Metals, 13(6), 1080.
- 2022 - Cena predsedu Slovenskej zváračskej spoločnosti za študentskú vedeckú a odbornú činnosť na Fakulte výrobných technológií so sídlom v Prešove, Technickej univerzity v Košiciach